I really really truly need you now.I dont like this feeling I dont like being left alone I'm not strong as you think I cry every night just because I miss you.There's no human being in this planet wanna hear my problems.I really need you I miss you.I really do.I cant stop crying I donno why.I thought I can go thru this without crying but I was wrong.Please dont take him away.I beg of you.I just want him to stay and be with me when I need him the most.Words can describe how much I miss you.I never felt like this before I never loved someone so deep.I promised you I crossed my heart I swear to Allah I would never leave you even if there's a third person.I promised you that.I just need some place to express all this feeling I dont want to keep it anymore.I need a shoulder to cry on.I guess only Allah swt only understand my pain.I really wish I'm strong like my sister and hard to cry like my brother.I seriously cant hold this tears.I cant do anything without you.I have no more confidence.I know I look like a pathetic desperate bitch.Argh gonna stop typing Bye.